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Structure & Body


As part of a 20 member group, us students were asigned to work on our first and only 1:1 project in our Architecture course. It has become tradition where our faculty and university collaborate with local communities.

In our case, we had to design structures for a nearby community garden that offers work opportunities to special needs children. Groups were given a plot of land in the garden and we had to implement what we had learnt in project 1 and showcase it in our second project. 


Not only did this project test your design abilities, it also tested our abilities to work closely with clients and tutors. We alsa had to adapt into a group setting in contrast to the individual work environment in project1.Thus, students had to sharpen their soft skills in communications, flexibility and teamwork.

All in all, I found it quite inspiring knowing that what we had designed and built had an actual impact in our community, I was also grateful to work in a group setting as it gave us group members a common goal to strive and achieve.

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Model Progresion

Presentation Boards

Augmented Reality Poster

Sketch Collage

WhatsApp Image 2023-10-27 at 14.22.16_25f98186.jpg

Presentation Video

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